Wednesday, 19 February 2025


Tank Gauging Solutions by Behbood Farayand Group

Behbood Farayand Group offers a complete choice of technologies so that you are able to decide on the right tank gauging system for your individual application. Based on our rich Experience and Knowledge you can consider your Project solved once it is delivered to us. You may decide to maintain your current system or embark on a step-by-step migration path to newer technologies. Based on reputable international manufactures we can offer the products, spare parts, service or advice to help you achieve what is right for you.


Our Services in this Section include: Complete Basic & Detail Design, Instruments Procurement, Installation Supervisory, Final System Calibration and Certification by official Vendor's representatives. After Sales Service & Support.


Miropilot S-Rdar tank gauging

High accuracy level gauge for continuous, non—contact measurement. Designed for inventory control, and NMi and PTB approved for custody transfer. Intrinsically safe, eliminating any possibility of electrical danger on the tank roof. The local display with graphical reflection signal, provides instant feedback and control of radar performance during commissioning. In stilling well applications, the planar antenna provides for automatic diameter detection for easy commissioning and operation.


Servo tank gauging

The Proservo level gauge utilizes high accuracy servo technology to provide primary level measurement, and its data handling capabilities allow measurement and transmission of spot or average temperature, pressure, interface level, density and alarms. In addition, it converts the data for transmission to the control room via standard field protocols.





Tank Side Monitor

Tank side display providing intrinsically safe power at the tank side for the radar and other sensors, increasing plant safety. It integrates data from Micropilot radar and other tank sensors and performs tank calculations. Data is transferred to the control room via most industry communication protocols.





Prothermo- Temperature & Water-Bottom

Prothermo is an intelligent multi-spot average temperature device with an optional water bottom interface probe. For average temperature measurement, the Prothermo measures the average product and vapor space temperature with up to 16 Pt 100 elements and supplies a HART compatible output.





Cerabar S - Pressure/Desnity Measurement

As the safest pressure transmitters on the market, Cerabar S absolute pressure transmitters offer unique technological innovations for high-end pressure measurement and relatively Density Mesurement in Hybrid Tank Measuring System (HTMS) They offer an intelligent operating and device concept and undergo strict DKD calibration.





Tankvision - Inventory monitoring system

web based inventory monitoring system is custody transfer approved and monitors level and inventory, sets alarms and prints reports. The system architecture allows you to operate your tank farm without installing any inventory software. It brings together all measurement data into one self explanatory, efficient and easy—to—read system. Measured and calculated variables [including tank strapping tables], such as level, temperature, mass, water level, vapor pressure, density and net standard volume [NSV], are displayed at an unlimited amount of local or worldwide operator workstations.




Typical System Configuration

Behbood Farasahel Pars (Blue Behbood)

 Behbood Farasahel Pars Co.(BlueBehbood ) as a subsidiary of BehBood Farayand Control (BFC) group is dedicated to provide solutions in maritime and offshore disciplines by the mean of EPCI+F contractor and supplier.

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