Flow Metering Solutions by Behbood Farayand Group
Behbood Farayand Group provides total solution for the custody transfer & fiscal metering packages for oil and gas industries. Our solution in this field includes design, engineering, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning.
Our success in the field is achieved by our understanding the need and importance of the subject and by being one of the few independent measurement integrators allowing us to select the optimum cost effective solution for the application.
Metering Skids
We integrate metering skids with different types of flow meters like Ultrasonic, Turbine, Coriolis, Orifice, PD-meter,… with different type of Master Meters and size different types of flow meters for any application and design the best solution based on customers information on process data. Our team of engineers in this field can chose different instrument and equipment [like control valves, motorized valves, strainers, piping materials, pressure and temperature instruments, electrical instruments,...] required for the metering skid package.
We do all mechanical design and calculations, P & lD, E & I design as well as Construction, installation, Commissioning and Start-up of a complete metering skid integration.

Based on the Project's Process demands and our Engineering Team Experience, we can choose the best Flow Measuring Principle for your Metering Application. This includes Various Types of Turbine, Ultrasonic, Coriolis, Orifice flowmeters, both for Liquid & Gas Metering Stations. The instruments are supplied from Reputable international Vendors.

Flow Computers
As a leader in the field of Custody Transfer Metering Systems, various types of flow computers are used in our Projects to meet the customer‘s demand from their packages. Our proposed flow computers meet all gas and liquid metering requirements whether used in control room or on industrial sites, strictly implementing international industrial standards.

Control Valves & MOVs
Various types of Control & On-Off Valves [Pneumatic & Electrical Operated] are used in Metering Skids based on the Process requirement. This Includes Ball, Gate, Globe, Butterfly Valves, ... which are chosen according to the Projects approved Standards in terms of Size, Material, Operating Conditions, Leakage & Safety Considerations, … .
Piping & instrument Accessories
Behbood Farayand Group will take care of the supply of Mechanical requirements of the Project including Piping, Flanges, Fittings, Supports, as well as all necessary Bulk material for instrumentation installation.
Design and Procurement of Safety instruments for Metering Skid is also in our scope of work.
Prover Systems
Behbood Farayand Group offers complete stationary proving systems for our Metering Packages, Employing unidirectional, bidirectional and compact Prover technologies. Our Prover systems incorporate industry Leading components to ensure the highest measurement excellence and assuring our customers on improved operational efficiency, reduced operating costs and accurate custody transfer measurement.

Integrated Operation & Management Solution
We offer a dynamic and comprehensive automation, supervision and management system for our proposed metering packages. We develop and supply a modular and upgradeable supervision system customized to your operation & management requirements. Our Engineers can configure any type of flow computers to meet any international standard. We build exclusive control panels for fiscal metering systems, and can integrates this any new or existing SCADA / DCS system in the plant.
Some of the key features include:
- Retentive flow totalizers, flow weighted averages...
- Liquid density calculations
- Master meter proving, compact and ball proving
- Batching, batch control, and associated batch reporting
- Instrument validation & diagnostics
- Audit trails at the supervisory level
- Supporting Various Instrument Communication Protocols [HART, Foundation Fieldbus, Single & Dual Pulses, Serial Communication Protocols Modbus RTU/ASCll, ...]